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Permanent! Immediate! Non-surgical!
If you suffer from excessive sweating, you are not alone. There are 37 Million people in the United States who suffer from excessive sweat and or hyperhidrosis. Fortunately MiraDry offers a permanent solution!

What is MiraDry?
The MiraDry system uses thermal energy that targets and eliminates the sweat and odor glands in your underarm. Once those glands are eliminated, they do not grow back.

Don't I need sweat glands?
While your body does not need sweat glands to cool itself, your body has 2-4 million sweat glands and only about 2 percent are found in your underarms. Eliminating 2% of your sweat glands does not affect your bodies ability to cool itself. After, MiraDry you will experience the many benefits of reducing sweat in the underarm area, but you will continue to sweat normally in other areas of your body.

Studies have shown that patients have seen an 82% reduction in sweat, a 89% reduction in odor and a 95% reduction in underarm hair regardless of hair color.  
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